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Sunday, December 25, 2011


listen up.
up listen.
This christmas season really snuck up on me!
I didn't even get the excited, crazy feeling on christmas eve!
I have grown up way too fast.
Remember christmas eve when you were a kid?
Wanting to go to bed early so that santa could come earlier and earlier...
Waking up in the middle of the night being nervous to look around the room,
because santa "knows when you are sleeping, he knows when your awake."
And then waking up every ten minutes before seven o'clock because thats when your parents said they would get up.
And then racing downstairs to see if santa really did eat the cookies.
did he leave any crumbs?
is there a mark on the milk glass from his lips?
looking for EVERY clue.
staring at every present under the tree... trying to see which ones are for you!
Your parents trying to hold you back from opening them all at once!
studying the handwriting on the presents to see if it really was santa's!
how did he know that you wanted that camera? that specific one?
How did santa get the same one from the store, with the  name brand sticker on it.
Does santa shop there too??
Then thinking about what he is doing right now, probably taking a nap... he has been up all night!
Who takes naps on christmas?
santa does.

This year....
I stayed up way late organizing my room...
trying to get rid of junk that i never use or wear...
i stayed up way past my bedtime.
Santa would have been pretty upset.
I didn't fall asleep until at least three o'clock in the morning..
I was feeling sick..
not really in the christmas spirit.
I was dreading my brothers knock on the door to wake me up at seven A.M.
but before i knew it..
knock knock on my door.
Dad has the camera in our face.
I just woke up, do i want to be on camera? of course not.
What do i want to do before anything else?
I want my breakfast. bahhh humbug.
how have i changed so fast?
getting old is no fun.
I wanna be the one waking up my big brother to go downstairs and open my new toys.
that phase is over and out!

Got to hear from Elder Sampson today! He loves the mish.
too bad skype didn't work, or i would have taken pictures..
but nooo.
But it was good enough to hear his voice! and his stories!
missionaries are fun!!

well, i better end this forever long blog post before its no longer christmas..
merry christmas to all! 
and to all a good night! 

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